8 tips for an effective fitness workout - Isheraton


Friday, April 5, 2019

8 tips for an effective fitness workout

Strength training can be performed with varying intensities (weights higher or lower) depending on the purpose. If the goal is muscle toning, then we talk about fitness training; if the training is aimed at increasing muscle mass, then it is a bodybuilding workout.

Fitness training is a much broader concept and can sometimes contain cardio exercises, but in this article I will refer strictly to that type of training that involves exercises with bodybuilding.

1. Training sessions
Planning in sports is essential, and fitness training is no exception. Not only professional athletes must have a well organized training. Anyone who wants results has to formulate certain realistic goals to achieve by following a certain strategy. Thus, a longer period of time, such as a month, can be divided into smaller units - weeks, bodybuilding training - after which we can set exercises and loads according to goals: definition, mass, strength, recovery, etc. We should not forget that a single training formula ceases to be productive if it is used indefinitely.

2. Workout log
A journal with your evolution over time is the most faithful and honest training partner. He will tell you no matter how you progress, or if you need to revisit the program. It's not hard to do - it's a simple table showing the date of training, the exercises, the number of repetitions performed and the weights used. Obviously, everyone's creativity plays the key role in designing such a table.

3. Basic exercises
Complex exercises that require more groups are holy for anyone who wants to be stronger and more massive. No champion would have climbed the podium unless there was a push from the chest with the dumbbell or the dumbbell, the rear traction, the genuflexions, or the flexions for the biceps. The isolation exercises also have their role, such as the pre-ejaculation of a muscle group. However, complex movements provide much better muscle stimulation and should be the basis for an effective bodybuilding workout.

4. Execution Temp
Tempo is the speed at which we lift weight in an exercise. The average speed is about 1 second in the positive part of the movement and 1 second in the negative. Some specialists claim that a muscle is twice as strong in the negative phase than in the positive one. This means that the negative phase can last twice as much as the positive one: we lift the dumbbell in 2 seconds and lower it to 4. However, whatever it is, the tempo must be slow enough to avoid injuries or unwanted "help" offered by gravity or motion inertia.

5. Break between sets
The duration of breaks between sets varies according to the intensity of exercises of fitness training and bodybuilding. A large number of repetitions (12-15 and 15-30 for fitness training) require smaller breaks (45-75 seconds). A smaller number of repetitions (1-5), so a higher intensity, involves a slightly longer break (2-5 minutes) between sets.

6. Symmetry
I think we've all met in the gymnasiums of individuals obsessed with certain muscle groups, which they work until they reach grotesque proportions. The purpose of fitness training is to make us look good, harmonious, to eliminate imbalances between muscle groups. That is why, when designing a program, we must pay the same attention to each muscle group, depending on its stage of development. Last but not least, the uneven development of muscle groups reduces the effectiveness of exercises and can even cause injuries.

7. Cardio and stretching before weight training
5-10 minutes of aerobics before strength training is all that your body requires before you put it seriously at work. Thus, the heart is on guard, the body temperature increases and the chances of injury are reduced. The next step contains some stretching exercises for the groups that will be worked later. You never have to stretch an unheated muscle.

8. Training of the outlet and middle area
Strong forearms allow for better control of weights. Nothing is more frustrating than having to finish an exercise when you could do some repetitions just because they gave off your forearms.

The trunk muscles, that is, the abdomen and the lower back, are true paths of burden - the foundation on which most muscle groups rest. An untensioned torso prevents proper limb development and may be the victim of some of the most serious injuries.

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