7 basic fitness tips for beginner - Isheraton


Thursday, April 4, 2019

7 basic fitness tips for beginner

Do not just sit on the tape
It's easy to stay where you feel comfortable and expect great results. However, if you run like a marathonist on tape, you will not automatically have the best results, or you will even hurt yourself. The longer you run, your resistance will increase, but you will not work your muscles anymore and you may not even lose weight. Alternate exercises and use smart cardio. Many times women do not give up running because they fear that exercise will be difficult or will build muscles in an unsightly way. If you are faced with this fear, call a personal coach - it will create an optimal plan for your goals.

Start with assisted weights
It's much easier to start with the assisted weights, that is to work on the devices. Whether you are doing exercises for your legs, chest, back or arms, get used to the first sessions with the rhythm and the weights. Intensity will be lower, but you can set a starting point for exercises. Also, standard exercises put the muscles into operation, so your focus will be distributed across multiple areas. Be convinced that if you are in the gym for the first time you will do an exercise wrong, so let the appliances even help you.

Understand the limits of weights
If you have not done heavy exercises so far, try to discover and understand the limits. It starts from the idea that the first exercise must be done with a weight of accommodation that will not cause you any great problems. The exercise series (3 or 4, depending on the intensity) are based on the steady increase in weight. Set your initial limit down enough to not exhaust you after the first exercise and increase steadily from series to series and from session to session. This will make your progress easier to notice.

Executes correctly
More than the number of kilometers you run or the weight on the back counts the execution. If you do wrong exercises, they will no longer have the desired effects. Practically, or you will work other muscles or risk injuries (at the back, most of the time). Look carefully in the room, ask others if you are not sure or take a personal coach.

Enter a beginner program
One who teaches you how to train and how to eat, according to your body's needs. Let's Go You is such a program. For 8 weeks, this program brings you - physically and virtually - through an application and email - a whole team of specialists. Once in Let's Go You you get a dedicated application that gives you 24/24 all the information you need, a food plan created for you, a training program tailored by your personal coach to your needs, and four training sessions with the personal coach. And when you train yourself, you have a video with each exercise in your app.

Get a coach to motivate and guide you
Yes, yes, we repeat. But we do it with reason. Even if you seem to know how to do everything in the room, a coach will make you discover new exercises and you can learn more. And if you want to change something radically to yourself, it's complicated and even dangerous to do it yourself - whether it's muscular or weight-gaining. In addition, it's good to have a training partner to tell you when to stop or when to shoot with you.

Continue to go (to the room)
The last tip no longer counts on the weights, kilometers or coaches, but on you. If you're a beginner, there are many things that will make you run back on the door and forget about the room. That's why you have to start in stages. If you go on the first day and give it all, you will have a muscular fever that you can not control for a week. Start slowly, with small steps, discover the devices with patience and run correctly. When you can not stop, stop, but come back.

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