How to set a target for sports to start a healthy life - Isheraton


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How to set a target for sports to start a healthy life

If you are ready to be active again, this is the time to set goals and make your exercise plan.

Remember to start slowly if you haven't worked for a long time; You don't want to "shock" or hurt yourself if you directly exercise with high intensity.

Set target
You should pay attention to the following when setting a target:

What activities will you do and for how long? Make it specific.
How often will you do this?
Are your goals realistic? Don't try to change several conditions at once.
The following is an example of a target that includes the three points above:

Four days every week I will walk briskly for 10 minutes at lunch time (because I do not need a long time for lunch, the remaining time can run).

The keywords "I will walk fast for 10 minutes" and "four days a week" are specific targets, when compared to empty promises, such as "I will start a healthy life".

Write your target
Writing targets can help. Paste your notes in a place that you can easily see such as in a refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or in a bag and wallet.

In addition to setting targets, plan what you will do in the future.

Make sure you answer the questions below so you have a full plan and backup plan:

What is my condition now?
Example: I mostly work on the spot and rarely move. I move a lot when I do housework or clean the yard once a week.

My target is?
Example: Four days during the week I would take a 15-minute walk at lunch time (because I did not need long to eat lunch, the remaining time could be to walk).

What do i need?
Example: I need to bring keds and socks to work so that I can walk comfortably.

Things that might hinder my plan:
Example: I might have to attend a meeting at my lunch hour.

If that happens, I will do this instead:
Example: I will take a walk after dinner with a partner or friend.

If I make it to the target, this is the prize (try to avoid gifts involving food):
Example: I will buy new shoes if I stick to my plan for the following month.

After you reach your first target, remember to set another target:
Example: I will increase the running time to 20 minutes every day and I will add a 20 minute walk to my routine on weekends.

How do you do it?
As time goes on, make sure you get back to your target and evaluate everything you do.

Have you succeeded?
Are you setting targets too high?
Is something blocking your success?

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