
Monday, February 18, 2019


Contrary to other scientists, Nikola Tesla was one of the most creative and productive brains in human history. Despite his advanced age, he demonstrated active and concentrated behaviors in projects requiring creativity. But how did Tesla maintain his fortune and intelligence? In 1933, at an age of 77, Tesla gave his life information.

Tesla believes the importance of a good start, and argues that it is necessary to continue the habits needed for a healthy lifestyle while young.

"The body and mental health that we have at our later ages depends on how we spend our young people," says Tesla, who linked her life with a strong, vigorous lifestyle.

Tesla's virtuous stance arises from the fact that he can control his desires and desires, and continues to work until he dies to fulfill his dreams in this direction. For a lifetime, he has set his life in order and wants to see what he wants to see.

Tesla summarizes the philosophy of life with a few sentences: "I did not want to relax and stop my work, if people choose a job that is appropriate for their character, happiness increases automatically and incredibly."

For Tesla's eating habits, "eating too much and incorrectly, consuming drinks, eating too much is causing toxic substances to accumulate in the body and can not be removed from the body."

How was Tesla's nutrition mode?
Tesla would spend plenty of water and milk to protect the health of the stomach.

Tesla's Feeding Style "How much do we load our body that serves us?" I eat twice a day and avoid acid foods, almost every time peas, peas and pickles are consumed, I can measure the size of fresh vegetables, fish and Meat is one of the best foods for the health of the brain, but it contains a large amount of phosphorus acid reactions, and the pickles are the worst enemy ever to date. " He says.

Tesla said that he had eaten very rare meat in 1935 in his various interviews: "For potatoes;" Potato is an ideal vegetable and should be eaten every day, with substantial mineral salt. "

It is also known that Tesla has eaten a lot of potatoes. For potatoes; "Potato is a perfect vegetable and must be eaten at least once a day, with valuable mineral salts."

Tesla also stressed the importance of training. Every day, she says, she is 8 or 10 miles long and she likes to ride, rather than using any car as long as it is. He also stresses the importance of taking a shower early and then taking a cold shower for a long time.

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