10 best tips for weight loss directly from nutritionists - Isheraton


Saturday, March 30, 2019

10 best tips for weight loss directly from nutritionists

Weight loss involves a whole process where you have to learn to make the most appropriate decisions in terms of diet and exercise. By transforming these practices into habits, you will notice significant changes in both the external aspect and the way you feel. Every decision, however small it may seem, contributes to the changes you want. Here's what the nutritionists advise for those of us who want to lose a few pounds:

Avoid eating simple sugars and carbohydrates
Proteins, complex carbohydrates such as beans, quinoa, rice, and healthy fats such as coconut oil, avocados, walnuts and seeds, help balance sugar in the body, eliminating the appetite of sweets. Add these products to your diet and be careful about the changes that occur.

Sleep longer
Research shows that every hour of sleep before 00:00 is equivalent to two hours of rest after this interval. Go to bed early and wake up more relaxed. Hormones like testosterone supply during sleep, which means they speed up metabolism for both women and men.

Eat vegetables
Consume as many fresh vegetables as cucumbers. They contain plenty of water, which is very easily absorbed by the body, moisturizing it in depth. It also helps accelerate metabolism.

Order your purchases
If you can, make a shopping list and ask someone to bring them home straight. In this way, you will not be tempted to buy food in large quantities that you do not need and you will get to throw away.

Train at least 20 minutes each day
Share your time so you can do exercises. A workout of 20-30 minutes a day is enough to get your body accustomed to being active.

Reduce alcohol consumption
As you probably know, alcohol contains calories. Nutritionists recommend moderation in alcohol, so you have this in mind when you think about how many glasses of wine you will eat at dinner.

Drop the dressing for the salad
Salad dressings can contain calories you do not want to add to the recommended daily amount, so for a healthier version, choose to squeeze a little fresh lemon or lime.

Eat in small quantities
You do not have to give up completely the foods you like, but learn how to consume them in small quantities.

Do not jump over the tables
When you jump over the tables, you deregulate the balance of blood sugar. Thus, we get to harm our body by resorting to unhealthy methods of slimming. The three meals a day are essential for a strong body.

Set up goals you can reach
Do not try to lose five pounds for the special event over two weeks. Make small changes, they will have a lasting impact over time. Rapid weight loss is not healthy and will have a very short effect.

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