10 fitness tips for men who deserve to know - Isheraton


Thursday, April 4, 2019

10 fitness tips for men who deserve to know

The concern to be in a good physical form is met in more and more men, and those concerned not only go to the gym, but are also interested in finding out more about how muscles work.
For those men Men's Health asked the opinion of several experts and drew up a list of fitness tips that deserve to be known.

1. Drink a shake immediately after training
A study by Danish researchers for 12 weeks showed that older men who drank a shake containing 10 grams of protein, 7 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of fat (just a cup of milk) in the first 5 minutes after weight training they gained more muscle compared to men who consumed the drink two hours later.

2. Protect your back
When lifting weights over your head, it is important to incorporate the muscles of the buttocks. This will force your body to stand in a position that supports and stabilizes the spine, reducing the risk of choosing back injuries.

3. Heal your brain
Preparing the central nervous system for physical activity is just as important as warming up muscles, and that's because the brain is the one that orders the muscles to contract.
And a good exercise in this sense is the following: try to make a stand alone on your left foot and touch the floor in front with your right hand (repeat then and vice versa - right foot with your left hand). Execute two sets of 10-12 rehearsals with each leg.

4. Ease your hips
If you can not keep your elbows on the floor when you do a sneeze, then the hip flexor muscles are too tight. Try this stretch to relax: keep your hands on the edges of the weightlifting stand and let your thighs stand parallel to the floor. Stay for 30 seconds, then return to the original position. Repeat five times.

5. Work less, but more efficiently
To save time without losing the exercise quality, or even increasing it, it uses the same weight for the entire workout. If you want to increase your strength, it raises lighter weights, but faster (not a heavier, slower).

For example, when picking up the weight at the bank, use one that is about 40-60% of what you can pick up once and make eight sets of three reps, lifting the weight as fast as you can. Rest 30 seconds between sets.

6. Relax your legs
If you run often and feel your leg muscles tense in the morning, too stretched, try to sleep on your stomach with your feet out of bed. Gravity will work overnight, relaxing these muscles.

Also, try to run at a higher speed at smaller distances than at a slower pace, but at longer distances. You will get better results and you will be less exposed to injuries.

7. Make a minimum of weekly exercise
If you do not get used to exercise at all, try to train the body for at least 20 minutes a week, twice in an aerobic or weight lifting program.

A group of researchers at Oklahoma University found that those who did this minimal effort had fewer days when they were sick than those who did not practice at all.

8. Breathe properly
As it has already been written, many people do not breathe properly, especially by chewing the chest, which makes the lungs superficially used and the amount of oxygen sent to the cells to be smaller.

Therefore, especially when you are allergic, take care to practice abdominal breathing (increase your abdomen when you inject, not the chest box) to give more oxygen to your body and resist exercise for a longer period of time.

9. Improve your ability to jump
The next exercise helps you get better results at high jump: stand on the edge of a step that is about 20 centimeters tall; jump backwards with both feet, and once the toes have reached the ground jump back on the stage (focus more on pushing the ground as fast as you can, speed being very important). Execute 3-5 sets of 10-12 reps twice a week.

10. Do not forget to replace your training shoes
To avoid knee injuries, it is important, among the allies, to remember to change your sports shoes after about 800 kilometers of running with them. (If you know how much you run a week, you can easily make the calculation.

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