Healthy nutrition conditions - Isheraton


Saturday, February 16, 2019

Healthy nutrition conditions

Appropriate nourishment is a standout amongst the most vital wellbeing conditions. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of diseases are due to the violation of metabolism in the body as a result of poor nutrition. Unfortunately, a large part of the population is unaware of the rules of feeding. Practice shows that one of the most common mistakes is to avoid any principle during feeding. The positions of physicians and specialists in particular dealing with healthier hygiene are also of interest.

Drinking 2-3 liters of raw juice every day, drinking 30 grams of raw juice every half hour in the first month is considered a successful treatment.

When fever, pain, mental and physical fatigue in the body, refusal to eat during fatigue and nervousness, eating only when you are hungry, 10 to 15 minutes before eating, 1 cup of raw juice should be turned into a living standard of sowing-dry.

It is not right to drink water immediately after eating and drink, as the water is left out after 10-15 minutes, leaving it with gastric juice and breaks down digestion. It is better to drink juice 30 minutes for fruit, 2 hours for starchy foods, and 4 hours after protein foods.

Drinking cold drink and eating cold foods weakens the activity of the enzymes in the stomach. The stomach did not expose the enzyme until the normal temperature reached and the wall was damaged. Ice cream is an impression of eating ice on the gentle texture of the stomach.

Drinking too hot tea and eating too hot foods stops the secretion of enzymes and causes damage to the stomach.

It is useful to start the morning with juicy fruits, add 2-3 nuts or 5-6 nuts to it. Winter fruits can be used instead of dry fruits. Canned, salted and cooked fruits and vegetables have no benefit in the organism.

It is useful to eat at least one dish of vegetable salad every day, to eat salads twice a day, to eat three times a day, and to prepare a salad of 4-5 types of raw vegetables. It is better to use root, cabbage, tomato, parsley, garlic, beetroot and leaf. It is more beneficial to give the bulb over food, preferring to the onion.

Use as little oil as possible; butter, as well as vegetable oil and cream, slows down digestion, breaks the function of the gastrointestinal tract. When housewives are fully prepared, add rye oil and cook them and boil as little as possible by pouring 1-2 kinds of food into the pot.

If you can not refuse a baked dish, it is recommended to eat salad, drink fresh juices - tea from the hips, raspberries and black currant leaves. Raw food should be three times the cooked dish.

When it is chewed up as much as possible, it is well digested when it is soaked with mouth juice, resulting in less energy than digestion. More benefits can be found by reducing the volume and weight of the garment by 1.5-2 times.

K. Nishy and P. Breq recommend eating twice a day, reducing breakfast. It is not suitable for the organism to take food in the morning because of the niche, and the digestion of foods eaten in the morning continues. In the first half of the day, the body cleanses itself, so it is wasteful to send new food there when fresh intestinal taste begins to digest food.

The organism needs to be rested periodically, as the walls of the intestine collects sludge from 3 to 25 gallons.

If you can not remove the meat, fat, eggs, mushrooms, cheese, bread and legumes that are poisoned by the soul, it should be considered as a supplement to the vegetables.

There is no need to eat too much, because eating too is an inexpensive and inefficient effort and burden for the body. It's easy to forget that few eaters eat less and eat less!

It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in the diet and completely reject it during cardiovascular disease. There are only two microelements in the salt of salt - chlorine and sodium. Each of the 64 microelements contained in the sea salt is beneficial to the body. Onion, garlic, garlic and radish can replace the salt of the dish.

The process of digestion is only good when the food "wreath" is properly drawn. Therefore, it is important to know what to eat together.

Professor Herbert Shelton, who has been a researcher for many years and has created a good nutrition curriculum, has some advice in this area.

- Zulla rich foods are not eaten with carbohydrate foods - walnuts, meat, eggs and other protein foods simultaneously with bread, potatoes, pies and sweet fruits. You can eat eggs, fish, milk and cheese, but sometimes bread or porridge and noodles.

It is not right to eat carbohydrate foods with sour foods - bread, potatoes, peas, legumes, bananas and dates with tomatoes, lemon, orange, kiwi, tangerine, feijoa, pineapple and other sour fruits.

- Use olive oils, such as cream, butter, sour cream, vegetable oil with meat, egg, cheese, nuts and other Do not eat because the fat that is eaten at one time limits the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the secretion of gastric juice.

- It is important to eat sour chocolate with zulla - oranges, lemons, tangerines, feijoa, kiwi, sour pickles, sour plums, tomatoes, pineapple and cherries at the same time with meat, cheese, walnuts and eggs.

- Starchy foods do not go with sugar - jam, fruit, butter sugar, syrup and potato. Decay occurs in the intestines when you take sugar with cereals at the same time.

- It is important to eat starch-rich foods separately, because when you eat two starch foods simultaneously, for example, potatoes or porridge-eat one another's digestion.

- Grease butter, butter, sour cream and vegetable fat, meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and so on. Do not eat at the same time, they can slow down the secretion of gastric juice.

- Milk yields relatively little complication after sweating, smoked butter, buttermilk, cheese and cheese, because the fat in the milk prevents the secretion of gastric juice for a certain period of time, the milk is digested not in the stomach but in the duodenum. The stomach does not respond to milk and does not give juice. Foods taken simultaneously with it are not digested.

The main purpose of proper nutrition is to prevent the splitting of food into rotting poisonous substances in the duodenum. Everyone who follows him is healthy and fluent in life, strong and spiritually strong.

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