The way to lose excess weight by following 5 simple steps - Isheraton


Thursday, February 7, 2019

The way to lose excess weight by following 5 simple steps

Many of us suffer from the problem of weight gain and others standing on the edge are afraid to be hurt by this, they are concerned about the deterioration of their appearance as well as external weight caused by the increase in the incidence of some chronic diseases such as blood pressure and others, and engage in a long struggle with him hoping to be crowned them Success in getting rid of the problem of excess weight and how to lose weight, so if you suffer from an increase in your weight and try hard to reduce it, you should:

A healthy diet is the first step in weight loss. 
One of the most important reasons for controlling body weight is the quality of the foods we eat on a daily basis. The body's daily intake of calories is about 1500 calories taken from digested food, while the remaining calories are eliminated. Or stored in the body as fat leading to weight gain. So if you want a healthy diet as the first step in weight loss, make sure your food contains limited amounts of high calorie foods such as cereals, wheat, and its derivatives such as pasta, bread, etc., as well as sugars. In contrast, try to contain your daily diet of high protein such as meat and fish as well as vegetables and fruit because they are important components in building the body, while eating other types of foods in moderate quantities.

Insist and continue to walk on the diet
When you follow a diet and begin to reduce the calories you eat, the body changes its activity to match the amount of calories, which reduces the metabolism (the process of burning the body energy and use to do the basic functions of the body) to benefit from the lowest calories to perform various functions of the body, You do not have to keep up and stop suddenly from this diet. Your body will deal with the amount of new calories by storing it as fat and doubling your weight.

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